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Database End-User Tools

Reuse Library Tool (RMT)

EVB Software Engineering, Inc

The Reuse Library Toolset (RLT) is an integrated set of tools whichsupport the definition, population and searching of a software reuselibrary. Software components in RLT are classified using afaceted/attribute classification schema.Defining and populating a reuse library with RLT is performed entirelythrough a point and click GUI. The search and retrieval screens areautomatically generated. There are no cryptic commands to learn nor filesto edit.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

EVB Software Engineering, Inc
5301 Buckytown Pike Ste 200
Frederick, MD 21704
Phone: (301) 695-6960
        (800) 877-1815
Fax: (301) 695-7734